کلید واژه : Sweden

Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani condemns Quran Desecration in European countries

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani condemns Quran Desecration in European countries

Setting fire to the Quran has consequences. It attracts more attention to it, and more people will become guided by the Quran. However, this does not prevent us from expressing our disgust with this act, condemning it, and trying to prevent it, because this is the minimum...

Message of Ayatullah Muhammad Javad Fazel Lankarani about desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden

03 July 2024



Message of Ayatullah Muhammad Javad Fazel Lankarani about desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden

The heartbreaking incident of disrespecting the Quran and Muslims' sacred beings that occurred these days in Sweden pierced the hearts of Muslims and followers of all divine religions with sadness. Insulting the holy Quran means insulting the Bible and all divine books....