Islamic Countries Should Become United Against the Israeli Regime

28 October 2024



News Summary :
The Islamic seminaries, scholars, and teachers, alongside other segments of society, express their condolences and solidarity with the victims in such tragic events. This atrocity reveals the deep wickedness of the Zionist regime, and it shows that the foundation of this regime is based on bloodshed, child-killing, murder, and usurpation. It is not the case that if the Palestinians were to retreat, these criminals would cease their vile actions.
آخرین رویداد ها
**In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful**

**All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May Allah send His blessings upon Prophet Muhammad, and his pure family.**

Before we begin the discussion, it is necessary to condemn the horrific incident that occurred in Lebanon, where the usurping and criminal Israeli regime, with ultimate savagery and inhumanity, once again brutally shed the blood of innocent people and the beloved Mujahideen of Hezbollah, who are the pride and light of the Islamic Ummah.

The Islamic seminaries, scholars, and teachers, alongside other segments of society, express their condolences and solidarity with the victims in such tragic events. This atrocity reveals the deep wickedness of the Zionist regime, and it shows that the foundation of this regime is based on bloodshed, child-killing, murder, and usurpation. It is not the case that if the Palestinians were to retreat, these criminals would cease their vile actions.

Imam Khomeini (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), with his divine insight, rightly foresaw these days and made the struggle against this aggressive regime one of the core ideals of this revolution. At that time, no one could have predicted that Israel would commit such barbaric acts.

Of course, these crimes only strengthen the ranks of the resistance front and the Islamic Ummah against this regime. We are witnessing the firm belief and steadfast resolve of our Hezbollah brothers to confront this regime, even after losing their skilled fighters in this incident. We can see that these honorable Mujahideen are becoming more organized, united, and stronger. As it has been reported, after these events, the various sects of the Lebanese people have also found a stronger unity and cohesion against Israel. This unity must evolve into a deep-rooted and widespread awakening throughout the entire body of the Islamic Ummah.

Unfortunately, due to negligence, some Islamic countries still maintain economic ties with this regime, and they must stop doing so and unite. We hope that such a goal will soon be realized, and as the Supreme Leader has stated, the most important effort of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was the establishment of the Islamic Ummah. Today, all Muslims, both Shia and Sunni, must come together and show their formidable power to the oppressors of the world.

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Unity Fazel Lankarani United United Muslim Ummah Islamic Countries Israeli Regime Genocide