These Atrocities demonstrate that Israel Has no Clue What to Do and Knows that Its Annihilation is Imminent

28 October 2024



News Summary :
Today, not only Muslims but also non-Muslims and many people worldwide have reached the conclusion that Israel must be suppressed. This is a great victory for Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iran, showing that this regime must not exist.
آخرین رویداد ها
  • **In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.  
  • All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds. And may Allah's peace and blessings be upon our master, Muhammad, and his pure family.**

  • *“Indeed, those who oppose Allah and His Messenger are among the most humiliated. Allah has decreed: ‘I will surely prevail, I and My messengers.’ Indeed, Allah is Powerful, Almighty.”* (Qur'an)

  • Before beginning the lesson, once again, we must express our deep sympathy with the dear people of Lebanon, the Resistance front, and the brave and courageous Hezbollah for the very horrific and atrocious crimes committed by the brutal Zionist regime these days in Lebanon. All Shia Muslims, all Muslims in general, and all Islamic seminaries should feel the pain of these tragedies and truly feel as if these attacks are being inflicted upon us personally.

  • It is clear that every day, more dangerous plots against Muslims are being devised. It’s not as if these actions are unplanned or aimless strikes—no! These atrocities are carried out in cooperation and coordination with the Americans and Europeans, and some Islamic countries are either complicit or remain silent.

  • On one hand, this regime reveals its vile nature, showing no limits in committing crimes, willing to destroy large numbers of people to maintain its disgraceful survival. The U.S., too, has provided Israel with the most advanced airplanes and bunker-busting bombs.

  • On the other hand, they claim outwardly that they are working to stop this war. The budget of the poor American people is handed over to this regime so that its military capabilities grow stronger by the day. However, as Allah has said: *“They plot and Allah plots, and Allah is the best of planners.”* As analysts point out, and as the apparent situation shows, these events reveal that Israel has reached the peak of its desperation. It finds itself in a position where it now understands it will not last, behaving like a wounded animal making its final desperate moves before death.

  • Today, not only Muslims but also non-Muslims and many people worldwide have reached the conclusion that Israel must be suppressed. This is a great victory for Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iran, showing that this regime must not exist.

  • The world saw with its own eyes how, during Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations, the leaders and representatives of most countries left the session, sending a powerful message to the world. Although one could criticize why such a criminal is even allowed to speak at the United Nations, why a war criminal who should be tried in international courts is given a platform.

  • In any case, we, along with every Muslim, remain hopeful in Allah’s promises. This is a definite tradition of Allah, and based on the verse of the Qur'an, the humiliation of Israel is among Allah’s definite traditions. A day will come when it will be in complete disgrace and will cease to exist.

  • God willing, the day will come when Allah’s firm tradition of the Resistance front’s victory will be realized, and as Imam Khomeini (may Allah's mercy be upon him) said, this cancerous tumor will be removed from the face of the earth.

  • We honor the memory of all the martyrs of the Revolution, the martyrs of the Sacred Defense (Holy Defense), as these days also mark the days of the Sacred Defense, and we also honor the martyrs who defended the holy shrines and the martyrs of the Resistance front.

Tags :

Fazel Lankarani Israel Destruction of Israel Bombing of Lebanon Israeli Atrocities Zionist Regime Attack on Lebanese Resistance Bombing of Southern Lebanon Condemnation of Israeli Atrocities Condemnation of Bombing of Southern Lebanon