Ask your question

03 July 2024 Clock 11:53

Question 21: I request you humbly to send me a zikr (praise word) or a supplication for me to read so that my wish may be granted.

پاسخ :

Answer 21: Place your hand on your chest upon offering the morning prayer and recite “ya fattah(یا فتاح)  seventy times and also read the following dua:

"لاحول و لاقوة الا بالله، توکلت علی الحی الذی لایموت و الحمدلله الذی لم یتخذ ولدا ولم یکن له شریک فی الملک ولم یکن له ولی من الذل و کبره تکبیرا".

(La havla wa laa quwata illa billah, tavakkaltu ‘alal-hayyil lazi la yamutu wal hamdu lillah al-lazi lam yattakhiz waladan wa lam yakullahu sharikun fil mulk wa lam yakullahu waliun menazzull-e wa kabbirhu takbira)

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