Ask your question

03 July 2024 Clock 11:51

Is it permissible for a virgin girl whose father and paternal grandfather are not alive to conclude a temporary marriage with a married man without presence of witnesses and without permission from her mother and brothers? Can the girl and the man recite the formula of temporary marriage themselves?

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03 July 2024 Clock 11:51

What is the ruling on looking at a non-mahram woman?

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03 July 2024 Clock 11:51

Two years ago my sister started a relationship with a married man. Under the pretext of saving her from depression, the man told her to consider him as her brother and trust him. My sister trusted him and told him all her problems. The man, claiming that we are like brother and sister, established a relationship with her and even kissed her. Now my sister is so much dependent on him that her life has gone out of order. On the other hand, she considers herself a sinful person. She wants to know if God forgives her after all this and what she needs to do to be forgiven. What should be done with that man?

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03 July 2024 Clock 11:51

I am about to marry a girl. I’m almost a religious person and religion takes priority in my life. However, she says she is not very religious and she has taken her beliefs from other members of the family especially her brothers’ wives. She says she cannot observe fast because she is a teacher and fasting causes her to feel weak. She also says she does not offer her prayers regularly and does not care about it very much. Nevertheless, she says she observes moral rules and promises to observe hijab to the extent that satisfies me. Now I don’t know what to do. It should be added that my parents agree with the conditions put by her family.

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03 July 2024 Clock 11:51

What is the ruling for a woman dancing for her husband in the wedding where other women can see her?

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03 July 2024 Clock 11:51

What is the ruling on concluding a temporary marriage and having sexual intercourse with a non-Muslim girl who is not from the people of the book? Is there any way to make such relationship lawful?

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(صفحه 12 از 13)