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03 July 2024 Clock 09:46

Question 29: I had asked a question about the People of the Book (Christian and Jews) and you said that they are taher (ritually pure). Does the said verdict include the entire European society?

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03 July 2024 Clock 09:46

Question 17: I was born in one of the villages of Esfahan province but I have been living in Tehran for the past many years. I had made a vow (nazr) that I would slaughter a sheep in front of a mourning procession in my village, if my wish were granted. Praise belongs to Allah, now my wish has been granted but unfortunately, for some reason, I cannot return to my birthplace to carry out the nazr. Can I give the money to a charity organization here on the day of Ashura? Does it relieve me of my duty?

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03 July 2024 Clock 09:46

Question 19: If a person’s nose starts bleeding amid prayer, should he carry on his prayer or discontinue it?

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03 July 2024 Clock 09:46

Question 35:A person puts currency notes in an ordinary envelop and posts it to an address, the postman seeing it as an illegal act on the part of the sender, takes the money for him, is he liable? What if he is ignorant of the law?

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03 July 2024 Clock 09:46

Question 8: Most modern washing machines automatically cycle through various operations until the clothes are completely washed, rinsed, and partially dried. Do they make najis things ritually pure? If they do not become taher, what about the drum? Does it become najis and is it necessary to rinse it?

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03 July 2024 Clock 09:46

Question 10: Several drops of semen come out of me after passing urine, do I have to perform ghusl for prayer and fast each time the semen gets released?

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(صفحه 5 از 13)