Ask your question

27 October 2024 Clock 13:12

Question 10: Several drops of semen come out of me after passing urine, do I have to perform ghusl for prayer and fast each time the semen gets released?

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27 October 2024 Clock 13:12

Question 42:With due respect to Ayatollah Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani, my question is: What is the best and most suitable way of studying, understanding and comprehending a subject? I would like to request you to give me a piece of advice so that I may use it as a torch in my life. Thank you very much indeed.

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27 October 2024 Clock 13:12

Question 34:How did the marriage of Adam and Eve's children take place? Did their children commit incest or their marriage took place in a different way?

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27 October 2024 Clock 13:12

Question 13: If a woman has a wet dream while she is in her menses, which ghusl is she supposed to perform first?

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27 October 2024 Clock 13:12

Question 24: What is your opinion about the people including some mystics who offer their prayers in the direction of the Imams’ tombs? Is it not shirk (polytheistic)?

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27 October 2024 Clock 13:12

Question 43:Question Concerning Showing Hazrat Abulfazl’s Face in a TV SerialAccording to received information, Hazrat Abulfazl’s face is supposed to be portrayed in a TV serial. Is there is any juristic problem in showing his face on screen? Is it not opposed to his dignity and wouldn’t it lower his spiritual character in public mind? That is because people have a heavenly and splendid image of him in their minds and showing his face on screen may degrade him from heaven to earth?

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(صفحه 1 از 13)