Ask your question

03 July 2024 Clock 10:01

Question 38:What is the Islamic law concerning autopsy on human corpses for the students of medical science as part of their training program? What are the limits to be taken into consideration?

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03 July 2024 Clock 10:01

Question 33:Why do they write the real name of the last Imam, the Imam of Time (a.s.) in the form of disjointed letters as م ح م د))? What is the reason for it?

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03 July 2024 Clock 10:01

Question 20: If a person enters the state of Janabah during the early hours of night in the month of Ramadhan and he goes to bed with the intention that he will wake up and perform the ritual bathing before dawn but he remains asleep and wakes up after Adhan, what is he supposed to do?

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03 July 2024 Clock 10:01

Question 41:Is Hazrat Fatima's position higher than that of her infallible sons?

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03 July 2024 Clock 10:01

Question 11: I have missed many prayers but I do not know their exact order. Do I have to take care of the order of the prayers? I mean, is it to necessary to offer them as they were missed?

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03 July 2024 Clock 10:01

Question 21: I request you humbly to send me a zikr (praise word) or a supplication for me to read so that my wish may be granted.

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(صفحه 2 از 13)