News Archive

Question Concerning Showing Hazat Abulfazl’s Face in a TV Serial

03 July 2024



Question Concerning Showing Hazat Abulfazl’s Face in a TV Serial

Hazrat Abulfazl’s face is supposed to be portrayed in a TV serial. Is there is any juristic problem in showing his face on screen?

A Question Concerning the Validity of Ziyarat al-Nahiya al- Muqaddasa

03 July 2024



A Question Concerning the Validity of Ziyarat al-Nahiya al- Muqaddasa

Ibn Mashhadi's statement clearly and explicitly denotes that all those who are in the chain of the transmission of this Ziyarat are reliable and trustworthy. The reason why the names of the reporters have not been mentioned along with the Ziyarat is because of the clarity of...

Head of the Center on the Jurisprudence of the Infallible Imams : A female or male patient can visit a doctor

03 July 2024



Head of the Center on the Jurisprudence of the Infallible Imams : A female or male patient can visit a doctor

Head of the Center on the Jurisprudence of the Infallible Imams said in his meeting with the deputy of the of health ministry that medical treatment and training, giving awareness about dangerous and infectious diseases such as AIDS were very important. He described the...

Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani : Tending mosques breeds success and special blessing

03 July 2024



Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani : Tending mosques breeds success and special blessing

News - In his visit to Quran and Etrat exhibition in Qom, Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani said, "Mosque is the house of God and Quran is the Word of God; we must recite the Word of God in God's house."

Member of the Society of the Teachers of the Islamic Seminary of Qom : We must be patient to save the reality of Islam

03 July 2024



Member of the Society of the Teachers of the Islamic Seminary of Qom : We must be patient to save the reality of Islam

Speaking to Rasa reporter in a special talk, he expressed condolences on the sad desecration of the Shrine of the Ahlalbayt (a.s.) in Samarra.

Ayatollah Jawad Fazel Lankarani Addressing Vigilance Congress

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Jawad Fazel Lankarani Addressing Vigilance Congress

Addressing Vigilance Congress, member of the Society of Teachers of the Islamic Seminary of Qom, Ayatollah Sheikh Jawad Fazel Lankarani said: "Before the Islamic revolution the people had not found their real identity and the regime of the then time used all possible means...

Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani : Unity does not mean abandoning your beliefs

03 July 2024



Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani : Unity does not mean abandoning your beliefs

Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani underlined the importance of mourning for Hazrat Fatimah. Addressing the gathering, he said: "Observing the anniversary of the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima, daughter of the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) has long been stressed and emphasized...

Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes

03 July 2024



Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes

Hojjatul Islam Jawad Fazel Lankarani expressed regret over the recent fatwa of Saudi's Wahabi mufti about not helping and praying for Lebanese Muslims saying, "such a fatwa is not based on any jurisprudential, religious and scientific standards."

(صفحه 13 از 14)
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Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani: Living in apartments is incompatible with the Islamic instructions

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani: Living in apartments is incompatible with the Islamic instructions

Seventh Anniversary of the Sad Demise of Late Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (r.a) to Be Observed

03 July 2024



Seventh Anniversary of the Sad Demise of Late Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (r.a) to Be Observed

Ayatollah Lankarani meets with al-Azhar scholar

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Ayatollah Lankarani meets with al-Azhar scholar

The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

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Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

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Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes

03 July 2024



Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes