News Archive

The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

03 July 2024



The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

Six years have elapsed ever since the Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams (a.s.) have been established. It was established to promote and develop Shi'ite's true fiqh (jurisprudence) and meet jurisprudential needs. Thank God, so far this center has taken great steps towards...

Comments of Ayatollah Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani (may Allah grant him long life) during a procession on Bahman 22

03 July 2024



Comments of Ayatollah Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani (may Allah grant him long life) during a procession on Bahman 22

The great epic of 22 of Bahman this year is very different from those of the previous years. I believe there are a lot of positive aspects and a great many benefits in it.

Statement of Ayatollah Hajj Sheikh Mohammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani on Ashura Events in Iran

03 July 2024



Statement of Ayatollah Hajj Sheikh Mohammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani on Ashura Events in Iran

While the great religious people of Iran were crying, beating their chests and heads and mourning the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) with their hearts full of love for him, they witnessed, to their surprise, very nasty, dirty and shameful actions by some individuals.

Ayatollah Jawad Fazel meets staffers of Dezful Agricultural Jihad and Basij members

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Jawad Fazel meets staffers of Dezful Agricultural Jihad and Basij members

Ayatollah Muhammad Jawad Fazel met the staffers of Dezful Agricultural Jihad and Basij members Sunday 13 June. In this meeting, Ayatollah Fazel praised Dezful people for their brave resistance against the missile attacks of the aggressive enemy during the holy imposed...

Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

03 July 2024



Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

When you enter the holy city of Qom, you see the golden tomb of Lady Masumah which solaces your heart but then you recollect the loneliness of her brother, Imam Reza (pbuh). You pass old alleys of the city and arrive at the vicinity of Haram near Bazaar T-junction and finally...

Scientific Symposium Held on Political Jurisprudence

03 July 2024



Scientific Symposium Held on Political Jurisprudence

The first scientific symposium of the Research Group of Political Jurisprudence titled "The Nature of Political Jurisprudence" was held by the research department of the Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams (a.s.) on April 16 2008. The symposium was held with the attendance of...

(صفحه 14 از 14)
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Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani: Living in apartments is incompatible with the Islamic instructions

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani: Living in apartments is incompatible with the Islamic instructions

Seventh Anniversary of the Sad Demise of Late Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (r.a) to Be Observed

03 July 2024



Seventh Anniversary of the Sad Demise of Late Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (r.a) to Be Observed

Ayatollah Lankarani meets with al-Azhar scholar

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Lankarani meets with al-Azhar scholar

The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

03 July 2024



The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

03 July 2024



Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes

03 July 2024



Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes