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Separating the uprising of Imam Hussain (as) from jurisprudence is substantial deviation from the event of Ashura

03 July 2024



Separating the uprising of Imam Hussain (as) from jurisprudence is substantial deviation from the event of Ashura

It is propagated that mourning for Imam Hussain (as) and the event of Ashura is above jurisprudence and rationality. It is said that jurisprudence should not interfere in this matter. From my point of view, this is absolutely wrong. I believe that it is substantial deviation...

How to commemorate Imam Hussain’s martyrdom during the coronavirus pandemic?

03 July 2024



How to commemorate Imam Hussain’s martyrdom during the coronavirus pandemic?

COVID-19 is a weird virus which has spread worldwide in the course of the past few months. It has afflicted not only the health system but also economy, politics, society, communication and in sum, all aspects of human life. Coronavirus is a reality but the question is: what...

Speech of Ayatullah Muhammad Javad Fazel Lankarani on the implications of sins according to a hadith from Imam Reza (as)

03 July 2024



Speech of Ayatullah Muhammad Javad Fazel Lankarani on the implications of sins according to a hadith from Imam Reza (as)

After being polluted by a sin, the soul loses its previous capacity, clarity and fineness

Sunday May 24 is the auspicious day of Eid al-Fitr

03 July 2024



Sunday May 24 is the auspicious day of Eid al-Fitr

According to the view of Ayatullah Muhammad Javad Fazel Lankarani and based on jurisprudential basics of late Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani Sunday May 24 is the auspicious day of Eid al-Fitr

The way to all good is the month of Ramadhan

03 July 2024



The way to all good is the month of Ramadhan

A short speech by Ayatullah Mohammad Javad Fazel Lankarani on the month of Ramadhan

His Eminence’s answer to the question of Coronavirus indicating the return of the 12th Imam

03 July 2024



His Eminence’s answer to the question of Coronavirus indicating the return of the 12th Imam

Such incidents, blights and diseases have occurred many times in history with different levels of gravity. We cannot claim that the current pandemic is a sign indicating the return of the Imam or that his reappearance is close.

Getting to know Fatimah al-Zahra (as)

03 July 2024



Getting to know Fatimah al-Zahra (as)

Part of the speech made by Ayatullah Muhammad Javad Fazel Lankarani on the martyrdom of Fatimah al-Zahra (as)

The Prophet (saw) showing deep reverence to Fatimah al-Zahra (as)

03 July 2024



The Prophet (saw) showing deep reverence to Fatimah al-Zahra (as)

Part of the speech made by Ayatullah Muhammad Javad Fazel Lankarani on the martyrdom of Fatimah al-Zahra (as)

(صفحه 6 از 14)
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Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani: Living in apartments is incompatible with the Islamic instructions

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani: Living in apartments is incompatible with the Islamic instructions

Seventh Anniversary of the Sad Demise of Late Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (r.a) to Be Observed

03 July 2024



Seventh Anniversary of the Sad Demise of Late Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (r.a) to Be Observed

Ayatollah Lankarani meets with al-Azhar scholar

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Lankarani meets with al-Azhar scholar

The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

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The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

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Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes

03 July 2024



Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes