News Archive

The reappearance of the Imam of the Age (as) is ‘God’s commandment’

03 July 2024



The reappearance of the Imam of the Age (as) is ‘God’s commandment’

Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani’s speech on the eve of 15th Sha’ban among a group of religious scholars from Markazi Province

With committing such atrocities, Saudi Arabia makes its doom nearer

03 July 2024



With committing such atrocities, Saudi Arabia makes its doom nearer

Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani's speech on the execution of a group of Shia youths in Saudi Arabia

The first person who lamented the martyrdom of Lady Zahra (as) and recited eulogy for her was the Commander of the Faithful (as)

03 July 2024



The first person who lamented the martyrdom of Lady Zahra (as) and recited eulogy for her was the Commander of the Faithful (as)

Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani’s speech expounding on the words of Imam Ali (as) about Lady Zahra (as)

Lessons women can learn from the moral and spiritual status of Fatimah Masoumeh (as)

03 July 2024



Lessons women can learn from the moral and spiritual status of Fatimah Masoumeh (as)

Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani’s speech about the personality of Fatimah Masoumeh (as)

Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani had a lifelong love for Imam Ridha (as)/He considered ziarat a way to strengthen one's belief in monotheism

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani had a lifelong love for Imam Ridha (as)/He considered ziarat a way to strengthen one's belief in...

Astan News' interview with His Eminence about late Great Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani (may God bless his soul) and his love for visiting the holy shrine of Imam Ridha (as)

Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani’s congratulatory message to Hujjatul Islam Raisi

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani’s congratulatory message to Hujjatul Islam Raisi

This election, which was an epic event, disappointed the enemies and filled with hope the hearts of the Iranian Nation rather all supporters of our Revolution ...

Happy Eid al-Fitr

03 July 2024



Happy Eid al-Fitr

All believers who are followers of late Great Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani are to be informed that based on jurisprudential principles held by his Eminence, tomorrow May 6, 2021, is the holiday of Eid al-Fitr.

Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani’s Statement on the Heartrending Terrorist Attack on Shiite Girls’ High School in Kabul, Afghanistan

03 July 2024



Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani’s Statement on the Heartrending Terrorist Attack on Shiite Girls’ High School in Kabul, Afghanistan

There is no doubt that the US, after shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan, has a hand in this incident.

(صفحه 4 از 14)
Most Visited News

Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani: Living in apartments is incompatible with the Islamic instructions

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani: Living in apartments is incompatible with the Islamic instructions

Seventh Anniversary of the Sad Demise of Late Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (r.a) to Be Observed

03 July 2024



Seventh Anniversary of the Sad Demise of Late Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (r.a) to Be Observed

Ayatollah Lankarani meets with al-Azhar scholar

03 July 2024



Ayatollah Lankarani meets with al-Azhar scholar

The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

03 July 2024



The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams in a Glance

Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

03 July 2024



Imam Husain's Revolution: Reasons and Motives

Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes

03 July 2024



Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Fazel Lankarani: Wahabi Mufti's Fatwa is a Confirmation of Israel's Crimes